On 28/12/2015 10:11 AM, tomoya muramoto wrote:
Hi all,

I understand your proposal. But I think "landuse=forestry" should be consistent with "landuse=farmland/farmyard".

Then "tree area" would be "landuse=forest-land", and "forester's house" would be "landuse=forest-yard". (Of course more appropriate words should be chosen.)

Landuse=orchard does not have this 'problem'? And landuse=vineyard would be very confusing!!!! And the recent discussion on swimming pools and their change rooms etc has a suggestion that all the things can exist under one tag. If people want to tag those .. well they will be buildings for the saw mill and drying shed .. so they can be separately tagged if desired.
If really needed then landuse=forestry_yard could be used?

However I think we should clarify how to distinguish landuse/landcover(/surface) first as these proposals.

Those proposals/ideas have been in existence for years.

Simple definitions of;
Land USE is what humans use the land for.
Land COVER is what you see covering the surface of the globe.
I think that is fairly clear?

The problems arise from the values of these keys and the way in which people use them.

I am trying to get a good value that reduces the confusion and mixed use of landuse=forest tag to something better?

Rudolf suggests that landuse=forest be transferred to landcover - thus again demonstrating a problem with landuse=forest!

The common understanding of the word 'forest' is .. an area of trees. This is not an active 'use'. The common understanding of the word 'forestry' is .. an activity that uses trees to make products. This is a 'use'.

Landcover ... is a separate topic that would take much discussion ... you can see it from my initial addition to Rudolf page -
http://wiki.openstreetmap.org/wiki/User_talk:Rudolf/draft_landcover ...


Thanks... interesting views on the farmland and farmyard thing that I was not aware of.

2015-12-28 6:31 GMT+09:00 Warin <61sundow...@gmail.com <mailto:61sundow...@gmail.com>>:

    On 28/12/2015 3:42 AM, Mateusz Konieczny wrote:

        On Sun, 27 Dec 2015 11:43:00 +1100
        Warin <61sundow...@gmail.com <mailto:61sundow...@gmail.com>>

            The present multiple applications landuse=forest has me
            thinking that
            a new tag of


            maybe best to focus this new tag onto a specific forest
            use - that of
            wood production.

            In the longer term the tag landuse=forest can eventually be
            depreciated .. people can migrate the older tagged things into

            landuse=forestry  for wood producing areas
            leisure=nature_reserve for areas of nature preservation
            natural=wood for areas covered with trees not used

        Note that landuse=forestry would include areas not covered by
        trees and
        used for forestry. Starting from forester's house
        ( https://pl.wiktionary.org/wiki/le%C5%9Bnicz%C3%B3wka#pl ).

    land use = forestry.  To do with growing trees and making stuff
    from them.
    Thus the saw mill, drying and storage sheds. A residence ... not
    certain of.
    Are residences of factory workers included in a landuse=factory?

    To indicate that trees are there ... i.e. land cover ...

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