> On Dec 28, 2015, at 8:11 AM, tomoya muramoto <muramototom...@gmail.com> wrote:
> Then "tree area" would be "landuse=forest-land", and "forester's house" would 
> be "landuse=forest-yard". (Of course more appropriate words should be chosen.)


I like your thinking on this, but in this situation it is wrong. Usually the 
place that grows the logs and the place that processes the logs are very far 
apart and have different names. Since the trees grow for a long time and are 
not cared for daily, the equipment is usually brought in for cutting the trees 
and then it leaves - so there is no "yard" nearby. 

Forestry is a very specific term meant for forest management (which might 
include logging or other economic uses) a region would have a few 
"forestry-yards" to deal with the forests and wood in the area - they would be 
a mill or lumberyard or similar. 

Just like all the cedar trees being grown in Japan, almost all of them are in 
rural areas with little to no houses - and the trees are cut down and taken by 
truck to a mill for cutting & processing. People that live nearby may be 
farmers or even the land owner - but they usually don't process the wood there 
and it is not cared for daily (usually yearly), so no "yard full of tools and 
supplies" is there next to the trees. 

There are exceptions to this, but compared to farmland/farmyard, it is very 
different - most places (like Japan) that are full of farms are also full of 
farmyards - but that is not true for forestry. The hills around Kiryu are 
covered with cedar trees, but the mills are all here in town, cutting the cedar 
into planks.  

Forestry (AFAIK) is "trees become X" - wood, fuel, paper - like the cedars.  

If it is  "trees produce X" (rubber, cork, sap, syrup), this is an orchard 
situation, though I wish they would have "plantation" for these uses - as 
"orchard" makes you think of Apple trees or avocados or some fruit making plant 
- not a person harvesting maple syrup from trees with tubes or harvesting latex 
sap from rubber trees. 

So landuse=forestry for the trees 
And landuse=industrial for the mill (and whatever building tags go with a mill) 
Seems to be a better choice than forestry-yard. The rest falls under orchard.

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