Edit ... what I meant to say ... and some additions...

On 27/12/2015 3:13 PM, Warin wrote:
On 27/12/2015 12:19 PM, Dave Swarthout wrote:
I think you are overreaching a bit on this. For one thing, not all forests are for wood production - rubber tree plantations for example are for extracting sap from trees.

Had not thought of that.
Some trees produce nuts, others fruit .. they would be landuse=orchard. With landcover=trees.
{add ..} and some trees are used to produce oil e.g. sandalwood, tea tree and eucalyptus oils. {/add}

Natural=wood seems perfectly correct to me for stands of trees in a more or less "natural" state whereas landcover=trees implies, at least to me, an area with planted trees that are not being used for sap, or lumber, etc., but more for their decorative or shading effect.

Err.. I think your confusing landUSE with landCOVER.

To me landcover=trees simply means there are trees there. It does not say what they are used for.

So suitable tags for an area used for lumber would be

An area of trees for decoration, recreation
landuse=recreation ?

How are rubber trees tagged now? I would tag
landuse=orchard ... ? Don't know. Possibly landuse=forestry with the definition of

{edit} forestry set to 'an area for the production of products from trees (e.g. wood), excluding production of fruit/nuts (see orchard)'?


There will need to be examples of the products.
And it should also document the ancillary things e.g. sawmills, drying and storage sheds for possible inclusion.


What's your motivation do do this?
Attempt to make clear what tags to use for a 'forest' ...

Document landuse=forestry such that it cannot be used for anything other than forestry. (I hope! :-) )

Long term remove the present use of landuse=forest.

I have come across the problems while adding some National Parks, State Forests and Conservation Areas that all had the tag landuse=forest on them. I have changed that, but would like to see a reduction in the possibility of future inappropriate tagging. {/edit}

For example http://wiki.openstreetmap.org/wiki/Talk:Tag:landuse%3Dforest#Forest_vs_Wood suggest the density of the plants is the distinguishing thing between natural=wood and landuse=forest.

The implication of landuse=foresty is fairly clear?
And I hope be translated without too much blurring of the intention?

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On Sun, Dec 27, 2015 at 7:49 AM, ajt1...@gmail.com <ajt1...@gmail.com <mailto:ajt1...@gmail.com>> wrote:

    On 27/12/2015 00:43, Warin wrote:

        The present multiple applications landuse=forest has me
        thinking that a new tag of


        maybe best to focus this new tag onto a specific forest use -
        that of wood production.

    For info, I have used that (once!):


        The rendering of landuse=forestry should incorporate a brown
        axe onto the original forest rendering to show that it is for
        wood production.

    I've not tried rendering it though.



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Dave Swarthout
Homer, Alaska
Chiang Mai, Thailand
Travel Blog at http://dswarthout.blogspot.com

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