For Mizubasho, most famous field is Oze swamp(but sorry I have never been there) due to a famous japanese fork song, you know. I remember natural Katakuri flower field at the top of Mt. Tsukuba. They say there are 30 thousand Katakuri flowers in 20,000 m2 area (, they are on the forest floor as you said. Actually I don't know they are *natural*, but they say so.
Maybe you can check a list of Natural monuments designated by Japanese government. (sorry it is written in Japanese) muramoto 2015-11-04 21:47 GMT+09:00 johnw <>: > > On Nov 4, 2015, at 8:52 PM, tomoya muramoto <> > wrote: > > to a flower field grown naturally (not planted by man). Is it appropriate? > > > AFAIK that a natural open area of grasses is natural=grassland. > If it is a bit taller stuff, possibly natural=scrub ( like the 1m tall > green plants growing along roads in Japan, for example. > > If it is a field of crops or stuff, like grasses or hay or something, it > is a landuse=meadow. > > Do those flowers grow in such quantity to make a mappable *natural* field? > of all that one kind of flowers? > > the Mizubasho looks like it grows when cultivated in a swamp or something > (per google image search). > > I have seen a few growing naturally on Mt Akagi (I think), in > streams/places with water. > > Where are you trying to map them? I’d love to visit a place with big > fields of them growing naturally! > > most of the flowers shown here on this page ( I randomly found ) are in > fields that seems to be very man-managed, or possibly fallow farm fields. > > > > But some of these would be the flower field tag we are discussing. > > > some of the flowers growing naturally seem to be forest floor coverings. > > > > I have no idea how to tag stuff on the forest or wood floor, which some of > these natural groups seem to be. > > Javbw > > > > > > > > > > _______________________________________________ > Tagging mailing list > > > >
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