Looking for further feedback - 

Thinking of creating landuse=flower_display For sections of land that a 
cultivated with flowers for decorative/attraction purposes - not a crop or for 
sale. Flower_field sounds like it could be a tag for a crop, and flower_bed is 
a small (unmappable?) Part part of a persons yard.

Also thinking of creating barrier=planter_box , as it is a common barrier used) 
concrete box (easily mappable) with some plant (hedge/shrub/tree) growing 
inside it. 

It's like a wall and a hedgerow had a baby.  

Looking for feedback on both. 



> On Nov 6, 2015, at 10:09 PM, johnw <jo...@mac.com> wrote:
> Perhaps landuse=flowerbed or landcover=flowers is the best solution.

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