> On Nov 4, 2015, at 8:51 PM, Martin Koppenhoefer <dieterdre...@gmail.com> 
> wrote:
> I think it's not that different to a cutline for instance, which is one of 
> the most used values in man_made

You are right, since it is a place where the land is cleared, a cutline is a 
clearing in the woods. Similar to clearcut too. but both of those are based 
removal of existing natural items - the absence of the original - not the 
growth/presence of new plants.

Many of the “growth of new plants” tags are inside Landuse (forest, meadow, 
farmland, orchard - which are all the more similar to a flowerbed) 

I was thinking natural=flowers because so many of the values are heavily 
altered/managed by man (rivers, streams, scrub, etc), but are still considered 

Perhaps landuse=flowerbed or landcover=flowers is the best solution. 


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