During the past year, I mapped a rose garden. I made a umap [1] for it,
explaining my tagging. I used landuse=flowerbed as that was the only
documented one that I could find. This area will have a significant impact
on the usage numbers for that tag. I'm willing to change it to something

I don't like the man_made=flowerbed. I prefer natural=flowerbed, just as we
do with tree_row, tree and natural=water,water=pond. All of these are
shaped/planted by humans, but use natural organisms.

For me man_made should be used when materials such as concrete, iron,
bricks, plastics (processed materials ?) are used.




On Tue, Nov 3, 2015 at 2:08 PM, Martin Koppenhoefer <dieterdre...@gmail.com>

> sent from a phone
> Am 03.11.2015 um 13:52 schrieb tomoya muramoto <muramototom...@gmail.com>:
> landuse=flowerbed is proposed here.(
> http://wiki.openstreetmap.org/wiki/Proposed_features/flowerbed)
> I think this tag is suitable to map flower beds in a park or a garden as
> written in proposal document.
> I don't think that flowerbed fits well into the other, established landuse
> values. Flowerbeds are features that typically will occur within some other
> landuse, not constitute a landuse of its own
> cheers
> Martin
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