> On Nov 1, 2015, at 12:04 AM, Gerd Petermann <gpetermann_muenc...@hotmail.com>
> wrote:
> traffic_sign=changing
> or
> traffic_sign=variable
The matrix displays and variable signs are very different.
Most speed limit signs in Japan are “variable” - they are small numeric screens
that usually vary between 50 and 100 based on weather. Int his case, the number
is variable.
a matrix sign can become entirely different signs. They are also a source for
alerts and current info no matter the topic - whereas a variable sign for the
speed limit is pretty limited to displaying a number value, or a traffic map
sign limited to just displaying red where traffic is - they can not warn of
closed lanes, high winds, snow, landslides, car fires, earthquake closures, and
other things that can popup on the signs besides traffic info.
The matrix signs are truly separate from a variable value sign - but I’m not
sure of the proper tag for them.
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