> I think the first group is not a traffic_sign=*, it is information=*

Considering the sign is purely for motorist, not tourists, I think it is still 
very much a traffic sign. But traffic_sign has no framework for non-law signs. 

no one is going to go find this sign to check something - it is only relevant 
information for passing motorists. 

A rest stop with a map of the area and tourist pamphlets is most certainly 

There are all kinds of non-speed road condition traffic signs - slippery when 
wet, beware falling rock, warning animal crossing (deer boar, monkey, and 
Tanuki in Japan), and other static traffic signs we would see on a motorway, 
but I don’t think anyone would put them in information=*  - these matrix signs 
are the same thing, but updated to show current conditions. They are still very 
much traffic signs. 

Perhaps traffic_sign:advisory=* needs to be made.  
Those signs I mentioned are not in the wiki, nor are the common temperature 
signs found on roadways in the mountains (which seem to be very different from 
the information=* ones. 
these matrix displays can go in there too. 

Traffic_sign:advisory=digital_signboard (no acronyms). 

Something like that.

and the rest of the advisory signs can have a home too, for the micromappers. 


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