OSM needs to provide for objects that fall under more than one category, whether it is done by allowing multiple tags with the same key, using semicolon-delimited values, or some other means. One often-quoted expression is that "OSM needs to show the ground truth", and it is frequently the ground truth that objects fit into more than one category.

John F. Eldredge -- j...@jfeldredge.com
"Darkness cannot drive out darkness; only light can do that. Hate cannot drive out hate; only love can do that." -- Martin Luther King, Jr.

On June 3, 2015 7:25:15 PM Andreas Goss <andi...@t-online.de> wrote:

The thing is these services are also often available in supermarkets,
copyshops etc. and you don't want to put shop=photo on those.

And if a shop has both cameras and prints then you can use shop=photo if
the camera selection isn't that big like just some point&shoot cameras
or you can use shop=camera with some photo_prints=yes tag.

2 notes or shop=photo;camera is just not that great.

On 6/4/15 01:39 , Warin wrote:
> On 4/06/2015 3:37 AM, Andreas Goss wrote:
>> Created/Changed the Wiki page:
>> http://wiki.openstreetmap.org/wiki/Tag:shop%3Dcamera
>> I think what we need might be a tag that in general indicates where
>> you can get prints
> I think that is the present shop=photo ...
> but its wili description is not clear.
> Some shops .. do both; sell prints and sell cameras.
> I think there are shops that only do prints, and yet others that only
> sell cameras
> So .. is there a case for individual shop values?
> These could be combined where needed .. shop=photo; camera or separate
> nodes.
> -----------------------
> There is a case for the wiki of shop=photo to be clearly defined!
> ==============
> According to tag info there are over 800 values for shop= ... some of
> them are not English, some as single and plural variations.
> The vast majority have no documentation.
> I think I'll document shop=model .. there are various finer values
> model_railway, model_train, model_railways being 3.
> But shop=camera .. and shop=photo ... ummm need your thoughts.
> Should there be a shop=camera ...
>   if so should it include associated things like flash, tripods, filters
> etc
> If not .. should cameras go into shop=photo?
> In any case .. what should shop=photo be about?
>   film development?
>   photo printing
>   framing  ... (there are specialist framing shops .. they do paintings
> too)
> Once people have express their ideas I'll try to come to combine them
> into the best tag/s and put that forward as a proposal for comment. But
> at the moment I've no clear idea ... mainly due to the poor shop=photo
> wiki.
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