I have no objection to users tagging in their local language. I also have
no objection to those users also using tags in a language that has been
agreed upon for use in an international context, or to others subsequently
adding tags for other languages. Do you feel that maps for any given area
should only be available to those fluent in the local language or languages?
John F. Eldredge -- j...@jfeldredge.com
"Darkness cannot drive out darkness; only light can do that. Hate cannot
drive out hate; only love can do that." -- Martin Luther King, Jr.
On June 3, 2015 7:18:57 PM "pmailkeey ." <pmailk...@googlemail.com> wrote:
On 4 June 2015 at 00:59, John Willis <jo...@mac.com> wrote:
> Its been an uphill battle to get even the most basic (read: required)
> Japanese mapping conventions accepted. Traffic light rendering is still a
> big stinky pile of garbage. Kanji rendering is still really bad compared to
> Roman characters - both are being worked on by people better than me, but
> two down-voted proposals to get traffic light labeling/rendering "fixed"
> for SE asia shows where the priorities are for OSM/-carto.
> Javbw
I see no reason why different 'cultures' cannot completely ignore
'standard' carto and tags and just do their own thing. If I was looking on
Japanese OSM for a restaurant, I'd expect to not find a single one. If I
was looking for レストラン then I'd expect to find many.
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via *the area's premier website - *
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