On 4/06/2015 3:37 AM, Andreas Goss wrote:
Created/Changed the Wiki page:
I think what we need might be a tag that in general indicates where
you can get prints
I think that is the present shop=photo ...
but its wili description is not clear.
Some shops .. do both; sell prints and sell cameras.
I think there are shops that only do prints, and yet others that only
sell cameras
So .. is there a case for individual shop values?
These could be combined where needed .. shop=photo; camera or separate
There is a case for the wiki of shop=photo to be clearly defined!
According to tag info there are over 800 values for shop= ... some of
them are not English, some as single and plural variations.
The vast majority have no documentation.
I think I'll document shop=model .. there are various finer values
model_railway, model_train, model_railways being 3.
But shop=camera .. and shop=photo ... ummm need your thoughts.
Should there be a shop=camera ...
if so should it include associated things like flash, tripods, filters etc
If not .. should cameras go into shop=photo?
In any case .. what should shop=photo be about?
film development?
photo printing
framing ... (there are specialist framing shops .. they do paintings too)
Once people have express their ideas I'll try to come to combine them
into the best tag/s and put that forward as a proposal for comment. But
at the moment I've no clear idea ... mainly due to the poor shop=photo
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