On 4 June 2015 at 23:40, John Willis <jo...@mac.com> wrote:

> In Japan, every single road sign - hundreds of thousands - is in Japanese
> and English. That sign 40km up in the mountains, where no tourist would
> drive on a rural tertiary road - English is there. Every single exit sign
> on the motorway system is in Japanese and English. Train stations are
> signed are in Japanese Kanji, the phonetic alphabet Hiragana, and English -
> because even Japanese tourists may not know how to read name Kanji of
> unfamiliar places.
> Because of the prevalence of English on signs, English Speaking Mappers
> would tag things with name=日本語 (English) + name:ja=日本語 + name:en=English.  
> Having
> the english in parens was deemed to be a bad thing, but because it is still
> common on the map, new mappers add it back on to name tags (as i did when i
> first started).
> Mappers do this because:
> - OSM's font sizes and strokes are optimized for Roman scripts (and ones
> of similar characters) the intricate Kanji are difficult to read, but the
> English in parens is very easy to read.
> - OSM doesn't support multi-language labels. Someone commented that
> Japanese people wouldn't appreciate English on the map, but in real life,
> Japan is slathered in English because of the total incomprehensibility of
> Kanji for any visitor (and almost all place names are very difficult kanji)
> , along with English being Japan's national "hobby".
That's very interesting John -  it must be difficult for Japan to balance
its own language with something more easily comprehended. It is perhaps a
useful indication of the problems OSM faces with historic ways changing to
be more accommodating.

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