On 5 June 2015 at 00:54, Michał Brzozowski <www.ha...@gmail.com> wrote:

> On Thu, Jun 4, 2015 at 4:30 PM, John Eldredge <j...@jfeldredge.com> wrote:
> > OSM needs to provide for objects that fall under more than one category,
> > whether it is done by allowing multiple tags with the same key, using
> > semicolon-delimited values, or some other means. One often-quoted
> expression
> > is that "OSM needs to show the ground truth", and it is frequently the
> > ground truth that objects fit into more than one category.
> Yeah. It's ridiculous. I was surveying a week ago and there was a shop
> that sells coffee AND tea. So what then? There's shop=coffee, and
> shop=tea. Whoever invented these tags wasn't a far-sighted person. Or
> a shop that sells both doors and windows (maybe even floors - there
> were a few of them). The problem with current tagging system lies in
> its **unsustainability**. It relies on people inventing new tags
> ad-hoc if a POI doesn't fit. And then? Most likely it won't be
> recognized by software in foreseeable future ie. unlike it gains
> traction. Do you see the nonsense of this?
> Michał

Shop=refreshments - or is it an amenity !!!!! ????

Can you buy tea in a coffee shop ?
Can you buy coffee in a tea shop ?
Cake anyone ?
How about a sandwich/sub/baguette

Or does one have to go to a café ?

speciality=coffee    (tea,  no,   sandwiches....)


And no, that's not a joke ! Just a twist on an estate agent with a small

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