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> On Jun 4, 2015, at 9:18 AM, pmailkeey . <> wrote:
>> On 4 June 2015 at 00:59, John Willis <> wrote:
>> Its been an uphill battle to get even the most basic (read: required) 
>> Japanese mapping conventions accepted. Traffic light rendering is still a 
>> big stinky pile of garbage. Kanji rendering is still really bad compared to 
>> Roman characters - both are being worked on by people better than me, but 
>> two down-voted proposals to get traffic light labeling/rendering "fixed" for 
>> SE asia shows where the priorities are for OSM/-carto.
>> Javbw
> I see no reason why different 'cultures' cannot completely ignore 'standard' 
> carto and tags and just do their own thing. If I was looking on Japanese OSM 
> for a restaurant, I'd expect to not find a single one. If I was looking for 
> レストラン then I'd expect to find many.

Which are all tagged as x=restaurant, not x=レストラン


We all agree on mcdonalds being fast food, right? Yep, as do Japanese people. 
But so is fried octopus balls (takoyaki). 

The mall near my work has a mcdonalds and a takoyaki stand. Searching for たこやき 
should bring it up. No problem. 

The most popular fast food in Japan? Ramen. My friend owns japanese pubs (an 
izakaya) and ramen shops - people love quick ramen. McDonalds is doing badly 
here now. 

Fast food Iconography? Hamburger. 

Don't confuse searching for an object with how they are sorted/labeled/and 
represented - nor forget about the inflexibility in OSM/-carto to get them 
represented differently. (Take-out bag?) Or support regional renderings 
(buddhist shrines do not use the buddhist wheel in Japan, but thats what they 


> -- 
> Mike.
> @millomweb - For all your info on Millom and South Copeland
> via the area's premier website - 
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