Some businesses that were formerly in the film-developing trade have shifted over into producing prints from digital photos. The professional-grade color printers produce noticeably better results than consumer-grade printers do.

John F. Eldredge --
"Darkness cannot drive out darkness; only light can do that. Hate cannot drive out hate; only love can do that." -- Martin Luther King, Jr.

On June 2, 2015 11:33:08 PM Warin <> wrote:

the wiki for shop=photo "A shop dealing with photos or video in any way."
humm .. does not necessarily sell cameras ... ?
and 'develop photos'? errr .. that is now a specialist activity given the reduction in film cameras.

Where as a camera shop does sell cameras... but may not 'deal with photos'
So someone has a redirect up on shop=camera... and the redirect says 'everything with photos'?

Would it not be better to call them what is most common?
I think there are now more "camera shops" than "Photo shops" .. take a look in a phone book?
  :-D   Mine has a redirect to "Photographic Equipment" !!  So what do I know?

Maybe the wiki page for shop=photo needs to actually include
"Photographic Equipment"?

On 3/06/2015 1:18 PM, Andre Engels wrote:
> I would say that fits very well with shop=photo, which can be found
> further down the page under "art, music, hobbies", and to which the
> link that you created now redirects (because someone in 2011 already
> thought "shop=camera" would better be "shop=photo")
> On Wed, Jun 3, 2015 at 4:25 AM, Warin <> wrote:
>> Hi,
>> I've added the tag shop=camera on a node .. reflecting ONE shop I have
>> mapped.
>> There are others that I can tag (when I get to them).
>> They sell cameras, video or still, tripods, memory cards, filters etc etc.
>> Any idea for a better tag?  .. just fishing for ideas at this stage!
>> I've placed it in the wiki shop 'electronics' section .. best fit.
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