Chain stores usually deal in camera sales and prints with a smattering of 
accessories and services, or a store that does head shots also rents gear or 
the like. They are usually a mixed bag. 

But even in my sleepy little town, there is a “camera” store. 

It is not a photo store, he doesn’t sell film, memory cards or prints. 

It’s not a portrait studio, he doesn’t take your picture. 

It’s not a camera repair only store (Like Kurt’s Camera in San Diego) 

He just sells camera gear. Mostly pre-owned. Only camera gear. 

just as there is a HiFi shop and an Electronics Shop, there is also a camera 
shop. And probably some other designated shops for every individual category of 
anything and everything ever made (hubcap shop, anyone? I bet somewhere in 
China there is a Blender shop. And a USB cable shop. 

Just defining a new value for shop=should be trivial, as long as it is 
documented first - as there are hundreds of shops that sell things and services 
that are not well defined. 

How many people are going to understand that I need a “wooden home goods” shop 
tag? There is an old traditional store that sells all the things for your house 
- from yard tools, to buckets, to bathtubs - made out of wood by an expert 
craftsman. They are not ornamental goods - you use them.  It is a Very Japanese 
store, and I should be able to craft and document a tag without too much voting 
trouble - as convincing people used to buying a plastic bucket at a home store 
that this class of store exists, and it isn’t similar to anything else is 
impossible - and tagging it correctly with the categories expected by the local 
users of the data makes the OSM database more useful in Japan is more important 
than if the tag is universally usable to all data customers (in countries who 
don’t care nor understand the categories, countries, or users of their service 
outside their home area anyways,). 

So if there is a specialty shop ( a wig shop, a light bulb shop, A shop only 
dealing with sewing machines, A shop just for shaved ice) - getting a tag made 
should be straightforward.

What we really really, desperately need is a documented and “approved” way of 
adding more than one of these categories to a single shop, when a standard 
definition doesn’t fit (Pogs & Ammunition is the most famous I know). 

AND putting it into some category or categories. This might mean subtags and 
sub-subtags - but it can grow to the correct size better than a flat list - 
espcially since we can’t add two tags with shop= currently (unless we approve 
shop1=foo shop2=bar, etc. 

Getting the pure specialty shops tagged is easy - it’s when shops have an odd 
combination of 2 or 3 of them - and are not a “class” of shop worth creating a 
new shop=tag for (like Pogs & ammo). 


> On Jun 3, 2015, at 4:48 PM, Martin Koppenhoefer <> 
> wrote:
>> Am 03.06.2015 um 04:25 schrieb Warin <>:
>> I've added the tag shop=camera on a node .. reflecting ONE shop I have 
>> mapped. 
>> There are others that I can tag (when I get to them). 
>> They sell cameras, video or still, tripods, memory cards, filters etc etc.
> is this really needed? There is also shop=photo which seems to overlap. There 
> are also shops for movie cameras, but they don't fit into the video or still 
> definition, while they are mainly the kind of object not already covered by 
> shop=photo
> Usage of shop=camera is around 2% of shop=photo
> cheers
> Martin
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