> On Apr 30, 2015, at 8:11 AM, Tod Fitch <t...@fitchdesign.com> wrote:
>> I chose addr:housenumber because that's perfectly set up for routers....
> That sounds like “tagging for the renderer” to me. I find it distasteful to 
> reuse part of the addr:* namespace for this but if it must be done then 
> addr:unit is far more appropriate than addr:housenumber.


I know there are many camp sites that don't have official housenumbers, and 
that using :housenumber would allow for easy routing. 

But there are a lot of camp sites that do have housenumbers. 

And every single car camping site in Japan (which is a majority of camping 
sites with numbered pitches) will have a housenumber assigned to the camp-site 
*land* regardless of street names, because there are no residential street 
names (they use lot numbers rather than street numbers), and there are no 
housenumbers that are smaller than lot - so tagging in this way would be 
fundamentally against address tagging in Japan. You can't make up your own 

Region, city, village, neighborhood (or division #) - subdivision# - lot# 


Gunma Region, Kiryu city, Machi village, 4-12 (subdivision 4, lot #12).

You can't just tack on a -23 to show pitch number (4-12-23) because you feel 
like it. 

4-12-23 would then be interpreted as 4 being a large section division inside 
the village (which is common in Tokyo), subdivision 12 lot 23, which is really 
far away from 4-12. 

Even if the routing still worked (as only 23 is on the pitch), if it was 
rendered, then people visually navigating would assume that that is "lot 23" - 
not the address to the campground! And very narrow and tight neighborhoods have 
very tight lot numbers, so it would be thought that this array of camp pitches 
is merely an array of small Japanese houses - not a campground. I have seen 
neighborhoods with houses smaller than US camp pitches. 

Apartments, units, buildings, suites, and other such informal address numbers 
are not part of the housenumber system. 

Even in other countries, where the housenumber would be a tag on the area for 
the campground, why would there be additional housenumbers inside a single 

Addr:unit=* is the best fit for what an individual pitch # is inside an 
individual campground, after that, ref=*


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