> Am 22.04.2015 um 00:53 schrieb David Bannon <dban...@internode.on.net>:
> Bryce, what does osm-carto do with your example below ?  As you noted in
> another message, addr:housenumber, while wrong, gives some very positive
> feedback, silly to ignore that fact. 
> I see a similar problem with some retirement villages, market stalls,
> car parks.....

I agree with Bryce that addr:unit could be an interesting candidate for all 
these similar situations. Wonder if we would repeat the complete address 
information on every single object then. Another issue with campsites could be 
that they will more likely have several addresses (several entrances), and 
while this also happens for buildings, the units in buildings typically have 
one street address associated with them, while on a camp site it might be less 
clear, so a simple addr:unit would probably be best 

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