
the wiki page about amenity=toilet clearly states - in English and
German version, that it is used to identify a toilet *open to the public*.

As far as I can see, this seems to be the case since at least 2010
(although I didn't check any single one for intermediate differences).

The French seems to agree on that on the current version, the other
available languages I can't check with my limited language skills.

The wording might be difficult here, but home toilets were never
included by the tag according to the wiki.

In fact a private toilet IMHO doesn't qualify as an "amenity" (yes, I
know, the wording of amenity itself is questionable nowadays).
I therefore would prefer to use a distinct tag for private toilets,
preferably attachable optionally to buildings.
With that I would (in contradiction of your proposal) retag toilets with
operator:type=private to the new private-toilet tag.


Am 02.03.2015 um 19:05 schrieb Bryce Nesbitt:
> For developing world demographers, data on home toilets is important. 
> This data periodically gets recorded in Open Street Map.
> Unfortunately this brings up a number of conflicts, among them the use
> of a map by a member of the public wishing to use a toilet.  Nothing
> distinguishes a toilet one can walk into, from a toilet where that would
> be rude at best.
> Here's an example:
> http://www.openstreetmap.org/node/3066715547#map=18/-16.03918/34.72667
> ​
> I'm opening a discussion about at least mechanically re-tagging
>  operator:type=private
> into "access=no" or "access=private", so that rendering software can
> choose to omit these locations depending on the map purpose.
> And further seeking comments on what could be done to limit the number
> of private inaccessible facilities that end up in the database.
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