On Fri, 07 Jun 2013 17:42:32 Martin Koppenhoefer wrote:
> 2013/6/7 Andrew Errington <erringt...@gmail.com>
> > Why not record the URL of the store in website=*?  That way people can
> > visit the store's website and see for themselves what they sell.
> of course you do this IF they have a website (traditional smaller ones
> usually won't have a website I guess, not even in 2013), but this isn't an
> alternative to setting a class. If you wanted to see how many bakeries
> (that sell bread, not exclusively cakes) are in Germany, with your system
> you needed months to check ;-)

I only need to check the ones that are within 500m of my hotel.  :)

> Thought your argument to the extreme, you would only tag website=* and
> poi=yes ;-)

You know, I've been thinking that might be a possibility.  Allow a website 
owner to hold his or her own tags.  The tags could be held in a file on the 
website in much the same way as robots.txt or an RSS feed, or a vcard file, 
and the store/facility/whetever has an object (node or area) in OSM with the 
URL.  A program periodically extracts objects from the OSM database and 
fetches the tags from the store's website.  Tags are added, modified or 
deleted appropriately.

I suppose we could do something similar to this now, if the store's URL is in 
the OSM database we could try to extract things like phone number and address 
by querying the webpage, after all, it's all machine readable.  If we can't 
trust it to be completely automatic the results could be passed to a human 
for verification.

While I am on this flight of fancy, how about "Update POI by email"?  Send an 
email to an OSM address containing the object ID and a list of tags.  A 
program at OSM receives the email, checks the sender's ID against the 
database of OSM users, and updates the tags based on the contents of the 
email.  If the message can not be parsed or it contains any errors then it is 
all discarded and the sender notified.

Best wishes,


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