I've been doing some research, perhaps towards producing a formal proposal
page, of how bakery and confectionery should be handled for the United
States (and perhaps some of the other English speaking countries - I hope
those from Britain, Canada, Australia, etc. would  identify their country
and comment what works for them). I've consulted existing OSM entries,
business directories, government sources, web sources, dictionaries,
thesauruses, and talked with people and used personal experience. The
following is written with an American view (or at least a Western American
view), so when I use "most people", "most", "all", "none", or like terms
please interpret it as U.S.-centric.

The U.S. is the land of the supermarket. The majority of the people here
have not set foot in a shop devoted to the retail sale of baked goods in
the last year. Take away the national commercial bakery outlet stores
(often thought of as day-old stores) and the number plummets further. As to
meaning, the most common interpretation of a bakery shop is a place that
sells cakes, pies, and/or pastries.  Step into a shop with "Bakery" in the
name, other than a national bakery outlet or one with "Cafe and Bakery" as
part of the name, expecting to buy a loaf of white, brown, french, or other
common yeast bread and you will be disappointed over 90% of the time. Bread
is not typically thought of unless the shop name has the word "Bread" in
it. In Colorado Springs, a city and urban area of half a million, I know of
two shops which specialize in "everyday"  loaf bread. There may be more
that don't advertise in business directories. print media, or have a web
presence; (ideally, OSM could become the go-to source for them). To buy
everyday bread, one goes to the bread aisle of the supermarket or other
general food store, or to the bakery department of such stores. The
supermarkets even carry or make artisan lines of bread and sometimes
feature fresh hot french bread at specific times during the day. For custom
breads, one might go to a combination cafe and bakery or a delicatessen. I
know California has artisan bread shops but they have not generally reached
Colorado. There are artisan bakers, but they use other retail outlets to
market their product. For other types of bakery goods, supermarkets are the
first choice, but bakery shop is an option for the average shopper.

Nationality is often associated with a bakery, Danish,  Dutch, French,
German, and Mexican were encountered when Ii looked at Colorado
bakeries.and I'm sure many other nationalities are used with bakeries  in
the state of Colorado and the U.S. The only nationality association that
usually featured (but not always) loaf yeast breads was French. The others
did not carry it at all or it was a very minor display. Mexican bakeries
typically feature tortillas (sometimes referred to in the Western U.S. as
the national bread of Mexico) and may not carry loaf bread at all.

Cafes with a retail bakery counter are very common, where the counter does
substantial business but not enough to sustain a standalone bakery shop or
where the synergy allows both to do better than as stand-alones. The bakery
products are often but not always a feature of the cafe menu. I would tend
to map these as two nodes within the space, amenity=cafe and shop=bakery.
Catering businesses also often feature bakery counters, again double nodes
seem appropriate. I would not use a shop=bakery node where a bakery counter
is incidental, or very minor to the business.

As for confectionery shops, most people have to think a moment as what they
are, then none associate pastries with them. They think of them as places
for candy or chocolates. A very few shops sell both candies and pastries,
but do not call the pastries "confections"

Finding a good name for something is often 90% of the battle of doing a
data category right, and terminology is definitely a problem. The word for
eat-everyday, baked unsweetened yeast dough loaf is "bread". Smaller than a
loaf bread is most typically called a roll. But, bread also has a general
meaning that includes egg bread, sweetened  bread, holiday bread, quick
bread, etc. Baked goods is interpreted by some to include pizzas, calzones,
and other products, but these same people would not go to a bakery for
these products. "Bakery goods" would not be interpreted by most to include
pizzas and the like, but is not commonly used. There is not a good term for
the group of sweetened bread, and non-bread/non-roll bakery products. To
most people, pastries does not include cakes, cookies, and some other
non-bread baked dough. Some separate out pies and tarts from pastries, but
most would not be mislead by including them as pastries.  So the solution
should not be bread and pastries; but bread, pastries, and other
categories. Notes: Even everyday bread often uses a small amount of some
sweetener, here I use non-sweetened to mean not characterized by a
noticeably sweet or dessert like taste. I would include within bakery, a
(very) few  products that Americans would visit a bakery or bakery counter
for that may not be baked or use flour,  such as fritters (usually deep
fried), some flat breads (often fried) or such as pies with nut crusts and
flour-less chocolate cake.

As for confectionery and pastry, I can find only a few places where they or
bakery and confection cross. Thesauruses sometimes list pastry and
confection as synonyms, but only when considered as the general class of
"sweet things" which includes as other synonyms products not found in
either a bakery or a confectionery. There is the very specific Petite Four
which is labeled both a pastry and a confection (understandable since many
of them are a combination of the two and some look like a candy or
chocolates). Some commercial bakeries list their otherwise hard to
categorize products such as Twinkies, Ding Dongs, Yohos, Snoballs, etc, as
confectionery items; but these are not considered pastries by most
Americans. Wedding bakery shops call the adornments on the cakes
confections, but not the cake itself. Some wedding bakeries also call the
"snacks" they sell for placement by each guest confectionery and typically
include Jordan almonds, butter mints, other candies, petite fours, and nuts
(sometimes candied, sometimes salted) on their confectionery list. The U.S.
Department of labor says bakers produce pastries, candy and confectionery
workers do not. Business directories do not mix the two except for
businesses which sell both. So the OSM feature page entry of
shop=confectionery as "A shop selling sweets and pastry" is at best
misleading, and in my view is dead wrong and pastry should be removed. It's
as bad as having a road a kilometer from its real location, an American
looking for it is going to have a hard time finding it. For the average
American, "A shop selling sweets." would work fine, perhaps with
subcategories as to whether they sell candy, chocolates, or both; since we
we have shops that specialize in one or the other. The OSM feature wepage
defintion for craft=confectionery is okay, but could be improved by not
using the semi-circular definition of "food item which is called a
confection".  Both could benefit by a pointer to the wikipedia
confectionery webpage. As an aside, in the sources I checked, ice cream is
often categorized as a confection and is produced by confectionery workers,
but I'm much happier with it not being listed as a confection in OSM.

Now some numbers.

There are 33 "bakery in Colorado" entries in OSM.
Categorized by the primary product(s) they sell (determined by visiting the
business webpages where available, reading reviews, looking at business
classifications, and used personal knowledge):
Bagel 2
Bread 3
Cake 6 (most also had cupcakes, one wedding one also featured confections
(candies, mints nuts))
Cookie 3
Cupcake 2
Muffin 2
Pastry (the restrictive definition) 2
Tortilla 1
Non-bread bakery goods (many kinds except bread loaves or rolls) 6
Non-bread bakery goods and bread 4
Pastry and cookie 1
Pastry and donut 1

(To acknowledge personal involvement, two of the bread, one of the cake,
and  one of the non-bread bakery goods shops are my entries.)

There were 0 (zero) "confectionery in Colorado" entries in OSM.
Disappointing as we have some excellent local chocolate and candy makers
and shops - I'll have to get on mapping those :-)

Using the Colorado Springs telephone business ad directory (yellow pages)
headings and my subcategories.

Heading: Bakery - retail
Bread 3
Cake 5 Cupcake 2
Non-bread 6
Performance bars 1
Pretzel 1
Grocers 15 (a few of the supermarkets and smaller groceries listed their
bakery departments)
Unknown 11

Heading:  Bagel  3
Heading: Cookies and crackers 3
Heading: Donut  8

Heading: Candy and confectionery 14
Heading: Chocolate 5

Caveats for the above: The same business may appear in multiple headings,
however none appeared in both the baked goods headings and the
Candy/Chocolate headings. I did look for headings related to all my
categories, but many did not exist - they might in a lager city.  Many
small businesses do not pay to be in yellow type pages and I was not about
to scan the business white page listings, so I'm sure Colorado Springs has
many more than businesses than counted above.

Next I looked how business directories (Colorado Springs, Denver, Los
Angeles in specific) and others categorized bakeries. The following set was
commonly used:
Cakes and Cupcakes
Special Diets
Vegan and Vegetarian

So my recommendations for bakery. Start with the following subcategories
for bakery given with examples of American usage of names for items they
would include..
Bagel: bagels
Bread:  yeast bread,  artisan bread,  rustic bread,  dinner roll, hard
roll, flat bread, soda bread, baguettes, ciabatta bread, focaccia, pita,
Donut: donuts
Cake: layer cake, snack cake, sheet cake, bundt cake, pound cake, sponge
cake, cupcake, wedding cake, torte., fruit cake, nut cake.
Cookie: cookies, brownies, blondies, bar cookies
Pie: Pies, tarts, quiche
Pastry: baklava, croissants, danish pastry, kolachy, puff pastry (cream
puff, eclairs), pasties, roly-poly,  strudel, turnovers (and also point to
the wkipedia pastries entry)

Another category which I'm struggling for a name, so I'll start with
specialty_bread, but think there must be a better term.
Specialty_breads:  sweetened breads, monkey bread, hoiliday breads,
briocche, challah, stollen, quick breads, banana bread, zucchini bread,
buns, cinnamon rolls, sweet rolls, twists, corn bread, spoon bread,
muffins, biscuits, english muffins, scones, popovers.

Another category which could have a better name than I'll give it here
(bakery cookbooks sometimes use fruit desserts as the category, but I
wonder if  that name might be confusing). These are rarely found at
stand-alone bakery shops, but are found at retail bakery counters in cafes
and some bakery departments in grocery stores. This one may not be needed,
may be very American, but would add completeness to possible bakery
categories if one did tag such a shop.
Cobbler: cobblers, betties, buckles, crisps, crumbles, pandowdy, grunts,
slumps, fruit dumplings.

Of the proposals how to handle these categories,  I could go along with
these as categories equivalent to shop=bakery; i.e., shop=cookie,
shop=pastry, etc. but prefer the proposal others put forward of shop=bakery
further annotated with bread=yes, cookie=yes, cake=yes, etc. for the
following reasons: For many of the bakeries here it would be hard to pick
the primary product and [category]=yes solves that. It fits with the
American's expectation to look for a bakery first then a subcategory. It
would allow for a better OSM wiki webpages where one can comfortably go
into more detail and examples than one would on the features page. (half a
:-) on this last one.)

I think use of the cuisine=nationality (primarily for bakeries claiming a
different nationality that that of their location) and the diet=*
(non-gluten is somewhat of a rage here currently) as very appropriate with

Comments including "bad idea" or "go for the formal proposal" welcome.
Improvements or a better way than this to tag would be especially welcome

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