I completely second these arguments: using power=substation whatever the
size of the substation, and storing other details in other tags.
In the wiki we could encourage mappers to no longer use power=station
(and power=sub_station if we decide to abandon it as well), that way
we'll slowly migrate to the new tagging power=substation while
maintaining backward compatibility.
Le 27/01/2013 16:04, Janko Mihelic' a écrit :
2013/1/27 Martin Koppenhoefer <dieterdre...@gmail.com
2013/1/26 François Lacombe <francois.laco...@telecom-bretagne.eu
-1, don't share this idea. IMHO a completely different substation
apperance and size, usage etc. are sufficient arguments to keep
different main entities (classes) in osm. There is no rule that we
have to have strictly functional classification, and in the past
mappers had found it useful to have the classes like this.
History has shown that mappers around the world have been mapping
substations differently, because these two tags are so vague. They
have been mapping power plants with power=station, big substations
with power=sub_station, little substations with power=station.Why?
Because a mapper layman has to know the difference between a high
voltage substation, and a middle/lower voltage substation to map them
correctly. That is a recipe for faults.
If you only have power=sub_station, beginners are much more likely to
map correctly. And if they know more, they can put in a
voltage=high;medium;low. But even if they don't, you can guess which
kind of a station it is. If it has power=sub_station + building=yes,
it is probably a middle or low voltage substation. If the area of the
power=sub_station is bigger than 60m2, then it is probably a high
voltage substation. I think that is much better than to force the
mapper layman to decide.
Janko Mihelic'
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