Hi Andreas,

2013/1/25 Andreas Labres <l...@lab.at>

> Transformatorstationen (aka substation) look like this:
> http://de.wikipedia.org/wiki/Transformatorenstation
> Umspannwerke (aka power station) look like this:
> http://de.wikipedia.org/wiki/Datei:Umspannwerk_01_KMJ.jpg
> It's not that big a problem to distinguish.
Yes it is!

The second photo doesn't show a power station at all since there's no
generation facility on it.
It's only a place where power is switched and transformed, just like the
first photo.

So distinguishing is not only wrong but hard to establish.

> If you know the voltages, note it (in and out, BTW).
The voltages in and out should be written on power=transformer, more than
the substation.


*François Lacombe*

francois dot lacombe At telecom-bretagne dot eu
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