Hi folks,

Here is the English translation of don-vip's answer to my last week message.


Hi François,

I'm glad to see someone be interested in that topic, and moreover a French
I've actually built this proposition based upon the observation the power
tagging model isn't properly finalized. I'm happy to see this proposal
please you.

After a few weeks time, when I wasn't able to complete this proposal,
someone launch the vote and did not announce it on @talk
The result was 3 little votes, it was "rejected" according the schema
complexity, and I was pretty disgusted. Enough to don't finish it.

I've read quickly the past discussions about power tag on talk-fr and I
agree with what you're doing on that topic.
As I don't plan to invest myself in that domain any more (I'm 100% on JOSM
now), I give you my agreement to work on you own on my proposal, if you're
interested in, and to get it accepted :)

Be careful, I deliberately attempted to restrict my proposal to power
generation facility and not extend it to transmission ones as for obtain
concise work. But if the subject is to add 1 or 2 tag, I think it would be
a great occasion.

A+ Vincent.

According to what he said, I would re-introduce his proposal to re-vote it.
Feel free to continue the discussion on non-solved points before the vote
Be sure the vote starting date will be announced properly on this


*François Lacombe*

francois dot lacombe At telecom-bretagne dot eu
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