2013/1/25 François Lacombe <francois.laco...@telecom-bretagne.eu>:
> 2013/1/25 Andreas Labres <l...@lab.at>
>> Transformatorstationen (aka substation) look like this:
>> http://de.wikipedia.org/wiki/Transformatorenstation
>> Umspannwerke (aka power station) look like this:
>> http://de.wikipedia.org/wiki/Datei:Umspannwerk_01_KMJ.jpg
>> It's not that big a problem to distinguish.
> Yes it is!
> The second photo doesn't show a power station at all since there's no
> generation facility on it.

Yes, that is perfectly known by now (and was already detected in 2010,
see your links above to previous discussions on this topic). A
power=station (OSM) is not a power station (actual language), but is a
substation (actual language), while a power=sub_station is a level
below the substation (in the power grid).

unfortunately (because missleading for who doesn't read the wiki)
there are thousands of objects tagged in this way, consistent with the
wiki. Unfortunately also that people are already modifying the wiki
page while this discussion here is still going on. Please keep in mind
that the wiki documents the way how data is actually tagged and not
how it should be tagged according to the wiki editors.

There is also another issue: power=generator is used for power plants
(aka stations), but actually it would be more consistent using it on
generators ;-)

I am not generally against sorting this out and changing widely used
tags and deprecating others, but it must be based on broad consensus
and backed up by actual data modifications to comply with these new

Maybe the best way to do so would be to use another scheme (compatible
by using another key) in parallel during transition.


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