On Tue, Dec 22, 2009 at 12:34 AM, Erik Johansson <erjo...@gmail.com> wrote:
> Does anyone have any improvements to make this scheme better?

If you know where the other end of the street is, use an
addr:interpolation way, in accordance with the wiki. I think your case
was essentially why addr:interpolation was established, i.e. to mark
info from street signs. If you don't know where the other end of the
street is, you can't use an addr:interpolation way, so it seems to me
that you are just tagging a sign.

Is there already a tagging scheme for this? If not, propose one - but
(as others have said) don't use existing tags in a way they are not
intended for. (btw, please don't follow up with "but I want it
rendered..." :P)

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