On Tue, Dec 22, 2009 at 10:01 PM, Alan Mintz
<alan_mintz+...@earthlink.net> wrote:
>> The current scheme with
>>drawing a way to interpolate is too much work and cumbersome, for me
> I agree it's cumbersome. The interval is not definite - only that it be at
> least 2 because of the spec of being odd on the north/even on the south.
> There was some discussion a couple weeks ago that the Karlsruhe schema
> implied that all addresses within the given range were actually present, a
> scheme that would not be realistic anywhere I have travelled.

I think Karlsruhe is still the best approach - e.g. even if you have
4, 6, 12, 18, 50, an even interpolation way from 4 to 50 is the best
you can do short of mapping each address individually.

I don't see any need for mapping signs on the corner, *unless* you
don't know where to put the other end of the interpolation way. It's
not *that* cumbersome... :P

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