I liked those two solutions. Maybe we could add bycicle=carrying (or
something better, I'm not a native english speaker) for this. I'd like to
tag this for our subway stations, as we are allowed to carry bycicles on
sundays, but you are not allowed to ride inside the stations (only push
dismounted) and on the stairs you'll have to carry it on your shoulders.


2009/12/4 Matthias Julius <li...@julius-net.net>

> Anthony <o...@inbox.org> writes:
> > On Fri, Dec 4, 2009 at 12:54 AM, Steve Bennett <stevag...@gmail.com>
> wrote:
> >> As in, bicycle=carriage_prohibited.
> >
> > You can't have bicycle=carriage_prohibited along with bicycle=no.  It
> > needs to be a different tag altogether, because it represents
> > something different.
> I guess it is implied that when you are not allowed to carry a bike
> you are not allowed to ride it neither.
> One should avoid the temptation to make everything as complex as
> possible.
> - bicycle=no           -> you are not allowed to ride a bike
> - bicycle=prohibited   -> the presence of bikes is not allowed
> - bicycle=folded_only  -> you can have a folded bike
> I would hope this covers most cases.
> Matthias
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2009/12/4 Mike N. <nice...@att.net>

> > - bicycle=no           -> you are not allowed to ride a bike
> > - bicycle=prohibited   -> the presence of bikes is not allowed
> > - bicycle=folded_only  -> you can have a folded bike
> >
> > I would hope this covers most cases.
>   There is the odd case of fragile and protected nature trails which
> connect
> 2 mountain bike trails.  For that case, the only rule is "no rolling tires
> on trail" , and bikers carry the bikes on their shoulder, but not folded.
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Arlindo Saraiva Pereira Jr.

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