On 28/05/2019 13:34, David Pickett wrote:
I tell myself that it should not be too difficult to make decent hi-res transmit and receive modules. I could use these for links from spot mikes in concerts where these have to pass the audience to get to the recorder, and also between my monitor output and the four speakers I use. Getting rid of cables from the ground would be terrific in both situations; but I am not prepared to accept any degradation of the signal, particularly not any modification of the dynamic range.

Has anyone looked into IR distribution systems? I know Shure has one that is multichannel capable, and as far as I can see can handle full bandwidth (uncompressed) audio. Being able to avoid the crowded RF spectrum allows considerably greater freedom. The only spec I can find doesn't mention dynamic range or latency but there's no reason to suppose that either are compromised.

Chris Woolf

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