Hello I need some advice! I’ve been doing music/sounddesign for museums for a while now (read: https://www.asoundeffect.com/museum-sound-design/ <https://www.asoundeffect.com/museum-sound-design/>). My next project could be the one using ambisonics!… I have never really used ambisonics but have been reading a lot lately, and demoing plug ins - up til now only in headphones converting stuff to binaural. And in the next few days I´ll test some ambisonics over my speakers. I did that a while back and it sounded very cool. I have a studio with 8 ch out, 8 speakers (and a sub) - but hope I can get my hands on 8 more channels and 8 more speakers.
I have logic Pro x, ableton live 9 (upgrading soon..) and Reaper. I do most of my work in Logic Pro X, and would like to stay in Logic - the exhibition opens in less than three months…so digging deep into another DAW is difficult. I’m a composer and I compose music and sounddesign.I tend to use standard technical configurations in odd ways (parallel stereo, some sourround configs), Mostly it is ways of composing and arranging every sound as a part of a symphony. It do that in different ways - and I started out working this way because I was asked to do 3 compositions/sounddesign playing in the same room - (please read the article from asoundeffect). Exhibition rooms are also often odd designs - and so is speaker placement. But this time I have the possibility to work in 3 circles and this is what want to do: - Inner circle: Speak in headphones + two sounddesigns: one related to the speak, the other layers from the sounddesign from the two other circles. I want this sounddesign to be 3D/Binaural. - Middle circle: 8 speakers hanging from a rig about 4 - 5 meters up pointing down into the circle.(45 degrees i guess..). This sounddesign will consist of music, local sound related to object/themes in this part of the exhibition. This should be in ambisonics. some of this sounddesign will appear in headphones as binaural sounds. I can be two different audiofiles (managed by Qlab). - Outer circle: 8 speakers placed on the walls - the room is square but we will try to create an illusion that it is circular by projecting movies on the walls. Here I want another sounddesign consisting of mainly season related sound (spring, summer, winter - storm, rain, wind, and just the sound of a cold cold morning..). his sounddesign should be ambisonics too. If possible I would like sounds from ex. horses (or people walking or wind blowing) wander from the outer circle into the middle circle and into headphones. and back. The sounddesign/music from the middle circle and the outer circle will blend (and should blend) and when you put on headphones you will hear layers of the middle and outer circle designs - so you never leave what I call the overall sounddesign. So how do I do that..? First I need to know: Is it true that Ambisonics does not “aim for” a sweet spot - Paul Virostek says it does (https://www.creativefieldrecording.com/2017/03/01/explorers-of-ambisonics-introduction/#more-16883 <https://www.creativefieldrecording.com/2017/03/01/explorers-of-ambisonics-introduction/#more-16883>) a lot says it doesn’t..? It is very importing to find out about, because an exhibition crowd walks around so a narrow sweet spot is no go. And my main reason for using ambisonics is that is believe it is the best format to create space/soundroom where you are ex. in the middle of a storm. or you walk around inside a composition/orchestra.I also like the idea that ambisonics is not depending on a fixed speaker configuration..right? So I want to create big spaces BUT the same sounddesign needs both overall sound and local sound (sounds that stays in a specific position)- and wandering sounds - it seems to be possible too to blend an overall ambisonic full circle of sound with local placed sounds in the same design…? And what software do I need? I guess I need software that can deal with ambisonics files and make ambisonics files out of mono, stereo, surround files and software that can convert ambisonics sound into binaural sound for headphones. I´m testing Noisemakers ambihead, and Ambipan (good stuff and working in logic too) DearVR music (and tomorrow testing DearVR pro for ambisonics output) - (sounds great and the panner is very good) And Logics own binarual output. (seems ok for binaural but misses some automation) Wigware (seems ok but cannot work in logic) I’m about to test Waves ambisonics B360 + NX Rondo360 Everthing will run in sync controlled by Qlab - I guess Qlab can handle ambisonics, right? I found this about Qlab and ambisonics but it involves Reaper https://forum.cockos.com/showthread.php?t=161556 <https://forum.cockos.com/showthread.php?t=161556> I’m used to do the different layers of sound design in different sessions and combining them afterwards but this time I will try and make all three in the same session…in logic. I also have sound particles but it is stand alone and I might use for some odd stuff. So - what do you recommend? And what do see as problems/issues? I’m sorry for taking your (holliday) time but I need someone to says: Buy or get this software and do this - and you´re good :-) And I know I’m addressing my questions to a forum of people how does far more weird stuff than this :-) I hope I’ve made myself clear. If not: tell me. Med venlig hilsen/Best regards Søren Bendixen Composer/Sound Designer/Producer Winner of Monitor Industry Award 2016 for the exhibition “Gladiator”, At Moesgaard Museum New album Music for exhibitions out 15 January 2017 Company: Søren Bendixen & Anette Krag soerenbendi...@gmail.com +45 60624394 www.soerenbendixen.com Facebook Soundcloud -------------- next part -------------- An HTML attachment was scrubbed... URL: <https://mail.music.vt.edu/mailman/private/sursound/attachments/20180327/e3c21b73/attachment.html> -------------- next part -------------- A non-text attachment was scrubbed... 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