very fond of spat - that reverb you´ve got (I think it was spat) where you
can have revolving sources etc is unreal.....

On 25 May 2014 14:46, Lasse Munk <> wrote:

> Hi Markus,
> Thank you for your answer - like Augustine I am also eagerly waiting the
> WFS release! :)
> Thank you for the links to the open music, OMPrisma etc. I was not aware
> of these, and thank you for the development of the ircam tools, very cool
> indeed! :)
>  Markus Noisternig <>
>> 25 mai 2014 17:35
>> Hi Lasse and Augustine,
>>  I am eagerly awaiting Ircam to release their WFS software - but they
>>> haven't as far as I know
>> The WFS real-time renderer is not yet released as we first have to write
>> some GUI objects for the filter computation tools.
>> The current release of the Max/Msp external library (see
>> includes:
>> - 2D/3D panning algorithms (direct panning, VBAP, etc.);
>> - 2D/3D-HOA (mode matching, energy preserving, max re/rv, nfc-hoa, etc.)
>> up to orders N = 80 (which should be fairly enough for the next few years);
>> - Binaural and transaural rendering;
>> - RIR measurement and analysis tools (exponential sweep sines,
>> deconvolution, room acoustic parameter estimation, etc.);
>> - FDN-based reverberation and an efficient low-latency multichannel
>> convolution;
>> - ...
>> We'll hopefully soon add spherical microphone recording and processing
>> (beam forming, etc.) externals, which are currently under test.
>> Please note that Spat is NOT free and open source.
>>  Have you published anything on how to interact with this kind of system,
>>>> developed software that makes it "easy" to make musicians improvise with
>>>> the spatialization also.. some sort of 3D environment or the likes? If not
>>>> you - have you seen any cool ways / thoughts of this?
>> Spat provides a perceptual control over sound spatialization, which makes
>> it easier for composers to interact with the system. Together with Ircam's
>> Music Reproduction Research Group we are working towards more advanced
>> tools for computer aided composition and spatial sound, such as
>> - OMPrisma ( Marlon Schumacher's
>>  library for spatial sound synthesis with Open Music (
>> - EFFICACE (, a research project funded
>> by the French National Research Agency which aims at integrating spatial
>> audio rendering to Open Music.
>> With cheers from Paris,
>> Markus
>> _______________________________________________
>> Sursound mailing list
>> Augustine Leudar <>
>> 25 mai 2014 15:54
>> I am eagerly awaiting Ircam to release their WFS software - but they
>> haven't as far as I know
>> Lasse Munk <>
>> 23 mai 2014 22:27
>> Markus: I have a soundbar under my television, can your system also make
>> sound seem as it comes from behind me? ;) hehe.. phew, this sounds crazy..
>> But my actual question.
>> Have you published anything on how to interact with this kind of system,
>> developed software that makes it "easy" to make musicians improvise with
>> the spatialization also.. some sort of 3D environment or the likes? If not
>> you - have you seen any cool ways / thoughts of this?
>> All the best,
>> Lasse
>> Markus Noisternig <>
>> 23 mai 2014 16:52
>> Dear Sursounders,
>> For those of you who are interested in some more details about the IRCAM
>> array:
>> The array is installed in IRCAM's variable acoustics concert hall (15.5 x
>> 24 x 10.5 m3). It consists of four horizontal linear arrays (with a total
>> of 280 independently controlled coaxial speakers) that is complemented by a
>> 3D rectangular array (with a total of 59 independently controlled coaxial
>> speakers), and 8 subwoofers.
>> Horizontal array:
>> - front array: 88 speakers, 16 cm spacing;
>> - side arrays: 64 speakers, 29 cm spacing;
>> - back array: 64 speakers, 16 cm spacing;
>> The front and back arrays can be used as mobile arrays for concerts
>> (rigging structure + flight cases).
>> Real-time audio rendering is achieved by parallel processing on a small
>> computer cluster. The 5 computers are connected to a 512x512 MADI matrix
>> for routing the output channels to the speakers. The real-time audio
>> processing software (ircam spat~) provides several sound spatialization
>> methods, e.g. WFS, (NFC)-HOA, VBAP, etc. … The standard configuration uses
>> WFS panning for the 4 horizontal arrays and up to 9th order HOA for the
>> rectangular array.
>> Best regards,
>> Markus
>> _______________________________________________
>> Sursound mailing list
>> Augustine Leudar <>
>> 22 mai 2014 01:21
>> oh and IRCAM - IRCAM have a really good one I hear (and one day hope
>> to actually hear)
> --
>   sound designer
>   06 68 50 95 97 (FR)
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