Hi Markus,

Thank you for your answer - like Augustine I am also eagerly waiting the WFS release! :)

Thank you for the links to the open music, OMPrisma etc. I was not aware of these, and thank you for the development of the ircam tools, very cool indeed! :)

Markus Noisternig <mailto:markus.noister...@ircam.fr>
25 mai 2014 17:35
Hi Lasse and Augustine,

I am eagerly awaiting Ircam to release their WFS software - but they haven't as 
far as I know

The WFS real-time renderer is not yet released as we first have to write some 
GUI objects for the filter computation tools.

The current release of the Max/Msp external library (see http://forum.ircam.fr) 
- 2D/3D panning algorithms (direct panning, VBAP, etc.);
- 2D/3D-HOA (mode matching, energy preserving, max re/rv, nfc-hoa, etc.) up to 
orders N = 80 (which should be fairly enough for the next few years);
- Binaural and transaural rendering;
- RIR measurement and analysis tools (exponential sweep sines, deconvolution, 
room acoustic parameter estimation, etc.);
- FDN-based reverberation and an efficient low-latency multichannel convolution;
- ...

We'll hopefully soon add spherical microphone recording and processing (beam 
forming, etc.) externals, which are currently under test.

Please note that Spat is NOT free and open source.

Have you published anything on how to interact with this kind of system, developed 
software that makes it "easy" to make musicians improvise with the 
spatialization also.. some sort of 3D environment or the likes? If not you - have you 
seen any cool ways / thoughts of this?

Spat provides a perceptual control over sound spatialization, which makes it 
easier for composers to interact with the system. Together with Ircam's Music 
Reproduction Research Group we are working towards more advanced tools for 
computer aided composition and spatial sound, such as
- OMPrisma (http://www.idmil.org/software/omprisma): Marlon Schumacher's  
library for spatial sound synthesis with Open Music 
- EFFICACE (http://repmus.ircam.fr/efficace/), a research project funded by the 
French National Research Agency which aims at integrating spatial audio 
rendering to Open Music.

With cheers from Paris,

Sursound mailing list
Augustine Leudar <mailto:gustar...@gmail.com>
25 mai 2014 15:54
I am eagerly awaiting Ircam to release their WFS software - but they
haven't as far as I know

Lasse Munk <mailto:lassemunkm...@gmail.com>
23 mai 2014 22:27
Markus: I have a soundbar under my television, can your system also make sound seem as it comes from behind me? ;) hehe.. phew, this sounds crazy..

But my actual question.

Have you published anything on how to interact with this kind of system, developed software that makes it "easy" to make musicians improvise with the spatialization also.. some sort of 3D environment or the likes? If not you - have you seen any cool ways / thoughts of this?

All the best,

Markus Noisternig <mailto:markus.noister...@ircam.fr>
23 mai 2014 16:52
Dear Sursounders,

For those of you who are interested in some more details about the IRCAM array:

The array is installed in IRCAM's variable acoustics concert hall (15.5 x 24 x 10.5 m3). It consists of four horizontal linear arrays (with a total of 280 independently controlled coaxial speakers) that is complemented by a 3D rectangular array (with a total of 59 independently controlled coaxial speakers), and 8 subwoofers.

Horizontal array:
- front array: 88 speakers, 16 cm spacing;
- side arrays: 64 speakers, 29 cm spacing;
- back array: 64 speakers, 16 cm spacing;

The front and back arrays can be used as mobile arrays for concerts (rigging structure + flight cases).

Real-time audio rendering is achieved by parallel processing on a small computer cluster. The 5 computers are connected to a 512x512 MADI matrix for routing the output channels to the speakers. The real-time audio processing software (ircam spat~) provides several sound spatialization methods, e.g. WFS, (NFC)-HOA, VBAP, etc. … The standard configuration uses WFS panning for the 4 horizontal arrays and up to 9th order HOA for the rectangular array.

Best regards,


Sursound mailing list
Augustine Leudar <mailto:gustar...@gmail.com>
22 mai 2014 01:21
oh and IRCAM - IRCAM have a really good one I hear (and one day hope
to actually hear)

  sound designer
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  00 45 26 84 44 41 (DK)

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