Warning!!!  Commercial Post!!!

On Sun, Dec 9, 2012 at 2:55 PM, Gregorio Garcia Karman <
ggkar...@musicologia.com> wrote:

> On 7 Dec, 2012, at Fri 7 Dec 14:56 , Andrew Horsburgh <
> andrew.horsbu...@uws.ac.uk> wrote:
> That with the matrix is interesting. Do you mean controlling the gain of
> the inputs to the matrix or is it possible to control the actual gain of
> the matrix cross-points?

SoundMan-Server matrix is up to 999x999 with every crosspoint having
controllable gain, eq and delay at each crosspoint as well as at each input
and output independently.

And it aggregates multiple ASIO drivers.


* Charlie Richmond - Richmond Sound Design - Skype: charlierichmond
* http://www.RichmondSoundDesign.com
<http://www.richmondsounddesign.com/> "Performance
for the Long Run"
* SoundMan-Server & AudioBox II - Virtual Sound System Core Audio Engine
* LinkedIn & Twitter:
charlierichmond<http://www.linkedin.com/in/charlierichmond> *
* G+: 
* RSD on Google+: https://plus.google.com/101997019719186030659/
* Primary and much preferred method of communication is via skype
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