> Lots of people quite surprised/horrified .  Differing yes - but if you look
> at the result 80% of people voted for the Behringers - and this is one of
> the largest communities of sound engineers on the web who would have been
> listening on their own equipment at home/studio - sure a couple of people
> who believe they have "golden ears" differed - but most artists are looking
> to impress 80% of their listeners not 20 % - "better" is a very subjective
> term..... I have used them myself and they sound fine  - I believe game of

Sure, art and engineering are different things. I was only trying to help you 
by encouraging to compare and judge by yourself but if you prefer to trust what 
is posted in a forum then that's perfectly fine with me. 

> https://www.kmraudio.com/focusrite-rednet-5-interface.php
> If that doesn't work google "rednet 5" then click on shopping - apparently
> has 32 outputs (=;

No. As I said the Focusrite Rednet converters are in the range of 200 euros / 
channel. The Rednet 5 has not yet been released but I would be surprised if it 
has any pyhsical I/O. I think the Rednet 5 it is just a kind of protools-rednet 


> -- 
> 07580951119
> augustine.leudar.com
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