> Sure, art and engineering are different things. I was only trying to help
> you by encouraging to compare and judge by yourself but if you prefer to
> trust what is posted in a forum then that's perfectly fine with me.

If you read my previous post you'll see I have already used them and
judged them -  I actually used them in a WFS system I built a few
months ago - and I have received excellent reviews and feedback for
the last seven sound installations I've done with them.
 I'd say in the case of art imagination is much more important than
subtle differences between D/A converters as long as the sound quality
is reasonable.

>> https://www.kmraudio.com/focusrite-rednet-5-interface.php
>> If that doesn't work google "rednet 5" then click on shopping -
>> apparently
>> has 32 outputs (=;
> No. As I said the Focusrite Rednet converters are in the range of 200 euros
> / channel. The Rednet 5 has not yet been released but I would be surprised
> if it has any pyhsical I/O. I think the Rednet 5 it is just a kind of
> protools-rednet bridge.

thats a bummer.
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