On 12/08/2012 11:54 AM, Augustine Leudar wrote:
HI Jorn,
Thanks for the well informed reply as usual.
honestly, for a system like that, i wouldn't think about windows even for
a split second. there is really only one sane system choice, and that is
clearly linux. for your frontend and user experience, by all means go with
windows if it suits you, but for the backend machine(s)? never.
The last system I built used Linux with soundscape renderer (excellant
program) and would definitely be my first choice. However I need height
information as well for this system. Matt Montags WFSdesigner does this but
last time I checked it was only compiled for windows. Ill have a chat to
Miguel about Game of life though - or if soundscape renderer height
information ....
looking at matt's website, i get the impression that it's indeed
amplitude panning between two strata. you could hack up a similar
solution with two instances of SSR without too much pain, but like i
said before, i don't think it's a very effective approach.
if you really need controlled localisation at elevations != 0, then the
only systems i've seen that work are vbap and HOA, and both only with
reasonably dense and regular speaker grids.
if you want height because you're unhappy with the degree of ambience
and envelopment that horizontal wfs offers you, then just restrict
yourself to direct sources on the horizontal plane and add a few
speakers above and below. use algorithmic reverb to feed them. for
natural recordings, render mono point sources on the wfs, add some plane
waves recorded with fig8s hamasaki-style. for the additional non-wfs
speakers, hamasakis work well too, and maybe some cardioids pointing
away from the direct sound or boundary mics on the walls.
volker werner taught me this approach at ICSA (he was directing the
IOSONO recording, together with frank melchior), and the result was
quite spectacular. we had only four height speakers in addition to an
80-something 2d wfs, but they made a huge difference in terms of timbre
and envelopment. height localisation was never an objective, though.
Jörn Nettingsmeier
Lortzingstr. 11, 45128 Essen, Tel. +49 177 7937487
Meister für Veranstaltungstechnik (Bühne/Studio)
Tonmeister VDT
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