> do i understand correctly that the listener will be sitting on this very 
> off-center chair for most or all of the performance? i'm asking because 
> ambisonics won't perform at its best so far out from the sweet spot.
> you seem to have adjusted the delays already to this position, right?

Yes that's correct, the listener sits in the chair the entire time and
the sweet-spot is adjusted for that position. This offset position is
necessary to accommodate various visual illusions.

> if possible, move the speakers to the correct angles relative to the 
> chair as well. they won't have to leave the walls, only the side 
> speakers should go forward a bit, and the rear pair spread out more. you 
> might get into trouble with corner reflections and might need to apply 
> some eq, but it should be possible to make it sound ok.

What are the correct angles? Could you please clarify? The two speakers
to the front of the dressing table can't be moved any closer to one
another because they are placed either side of an oval mirror. The
lateral speakers can be moved. The bottom-left speaker can be moved in
either direction however the bottom-right can't be moved further to the
right as there is a doorway. At a pinch, it could be moved to the
right-hand wall - but the speakers are to be flush-mounted and i think
the angle of the speaker would be skewed too far away from the listener.

>if your listener is staying in the chair, second order should be fine. 
> tweaking the angles should help.

that's a relief

> if you end up having phasiness problems due to the dead room, maybe a 
> height speaker or two could fix that...

would be good - but i think we're limited to the 6. 

> ps: where can i listen to this?

Brasília, in a few months - there's some info here which needs updating:
many thanks,


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