> > When ambi_encode is set to 4th and 5th order, it has 9 and 11 output
> > channels respectively in 2D. I'm not sure how these should be named.
> > Can ambdec decode higher than 3rd order on the horizontal plane? When I
> > try a "new configuration" in ambdec it seems to offer only as high as
> > 3rd order.
> Yes, Ambdec handles up to 3rd order, full 3-D. Looks like you have
> an earlier version - the latest doesn't have the config editor.
> Above 3rd order there are no more single character names, you have
> to use either the l,m (degree,order) notation or ACN (Ambisonic
> Channel Number).

Just upgraded to 0.5.1. 

To clarify, for a 6-speaker 2d array - ambdec can decode at maximum, the
following inputs (3rd order horizontal, 0 order height): W X Y U V P Q ?



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