> Quite a challenge I'd say, in particular if those voices have to
> come near to the listener. With most the speakers at larger distance
> you'll need a room that is quite 'dead' by itself, and then synthesize
> the interaction of a virtual room and the voice.
> Would there be any way to move the side and back speakers closer ?

The room has the dimensions: 3.73 x 5m. There will be carpet on the
floor and we can also put carpet on the ceiling - there will also be a
bed with coverings and objects on the walls. I don't think we can bring
the rear and side speakers any closer. 

At the moment the tail reverb level is at a fixed level so that you only
become conscious of it when the voice is distant (at the doorway for
instance). The early-reflection simulation too only becomes prominent at
a distance. So this does add to the sense of proximity/depth. There will
rarely, probably never, be a voice placed in front of the listener -
most of the talking will be done behind and to the sides.

Here is an extract from the ambdec config file showing distances and

add_spkr     1     1.297     54.0      0.0    system:playback_1
add_spkr     2     2.721    111.0      0.0    system:playback_2
add_spkr     3     3.290    156.0      0.0    system:playback_3
add_spkr     4     3.290   -156.0      0.0    system:playback_4
add_spkr     5     2.721   -111.0      0.0    system:playback_5
add_spkr     6     1.297    -54.0      0.0    system:playback_6

> As order goes up AMB panning will concentrate more energy in the
> nearest speakers and the two systems converge, the main difference
> being that AMB will never use just one speaker, and this results in
> smoother movement. The difference between the two systems becomes
> smaller, and the advantage moves towards AMB.

VBAP does have a spread value - which i have set to 10 (out of 100)
presently. Does help smooth the movement - but yes, I need to test with
full system (it's not been easy to arrange this).



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