On Thu, 2012-02-16 at 20:34 +0000, Fons Adriaensen wrote:
> On Thu, Feb 16, 2012 at 06:22:15PM -0200, Iain Mott wrote:
> > To clarify, for a 6-speaker 2d array - ambdec can decode at maximum, the
> > following inputs (3rd order horizontal, 0 order height): W X Y U V P Q ?
> Yes, but it doesn't make sense doing so. With six speakers you can't 
> reproduce 3rd order correctly - 2nd is the limit.
> Ciao,

that's a shame - i've only got two speakers to monitor with presently -
but strange, 3rd order seemed to be a sharper image than with the 2nd
order - wishful thinking perhaps. 

Would you recommend then for 6 speakers, 2nd order ambisonic for the
simulated room reflections (and jconvolver tail reverb) and
vector-panning (vbap) for the direct?

thanks for the advice,


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