On Thu, Feb 16, 2012 at 04:10:17PM -0200, Iain Mott wrote:

> Thanks for the suggestion - actually I was only using 2nd order encoding
> because I'd been unable to get the higher orders to work (using
> ambi_encode from iem-ambi). Looking again i see what i was doing wrong.
> Have got 3rd order running now and yes it sounds better. In 2D this
> gives the 7 outputs which i understand are named: W X Y U V P Q 

> In jack, these outputs can be patched through to their corresponding
> ambdec inputs - which named: W X Y Z R S T U V P Q 
> When ambi_encode is set to 4th and 5th order, it has 9 and 11 output
> channels respectively in 2D. I'm not sure how these should be named.
> Can ambdec decode higher than 3rd order on the horizontal plane? When I
> try a "new configuration" in ambdec it seems to offer only as high as
> 3rd order.

Yes, Ambdec handles up to 3rd order, full 3-D. Looks like you have
an earlier version - the latest doesn't have the config editor.

Above 3rd order there are no more single character names, you have
to use either the l,m (degree,order) notation or ACN (Ambisonic
Channel Number).



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