Junfeng Li <junfeng.li.1...@gmail.com> wrote:

> I am now researching on 3D audio playback/rendering in headphone. One
> purpose of this work is to playback the 5.1 Audio using headphone.
> One main problem for sound playback using headphone is "in-head
> localization". Therefore to playback the 5.1 audio with headphone, I am now
> trying to externalize sound in headphone playback.
> Is anyone able to give me some comments/suggestion on this issue?

There used to be the wonderful Isone Pro plug-in by Jeroen Breebaart
(www.jeroenbreebaart.com) that would convert a 5.1 signal into a
binaural HRTF signal for headphone reproduction in real-time. 

I've used it for some time for monitoring during field recording and I
was quite happy with it. Unfortunately it was Windoze-only and since
migrating all my audio to OS X I've been searching for a replacement. To
no avail, so far.

Mr. Breebaart has since released an OS X version for normal stereo
signals, so I've enquired about the 5.1 version but his answer wasn't
exactly encouraging. 


Ralf R. Radermacher  -  DL9KCG  -  Köln/Cologne, Germany
Blog   : http://the-real-fotoralf.blogspot.com
Audio : http://aporee.org/maps/projects/fotoralf
Web   : http://www.fotoralf.de
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