On 25/05/2011 15:09, Ralph Glasgal wrote:
The old IMAX helmut for 3D solved this problem (and the stereo crosstalk one) by using ear speakers. Their demo for an AES convention was very convincing. Another problem with earphone listening is that the stage is sort of always frontal, but you can get great proximity (depth) effects. The rear or overhead part, in the absence of normal Pinna function, is almost impossible to achieve unless your standards or expectations are low. You may get it to work for one listener or earphone type but not universally.

This is very listener dependent. I have a colleague for whom binaural, even without headtracking, works really well with the Kemar hrtf's, but for me, if there is no headtracking (or other, perhaps visual, cues) the sounds always migrate to the back (rather than the front) of the head and more "on the surface" of the head, rather than full internalized, largely independent of the hrtf set used.


 These are my own views and may or may not be shared by my employer
/* Dave Malham   http://music.york.ac.uk/staff/research/dave-malham/ */
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