On Tue, Mar 06, 2007 at 12:01:00AM +0000, MJ Ray wrote:
> (Confusing statements by the current DPL about his authoritativity
> don't help, although he's also promised to relate faithfully any
> non-DPL decisions, so that isn't critical ATM.)

I consider them different hats:

 - the DPL gets to make certain decisions on Debian's behalf as per
   the constitution

 - the Debian rep to SPI has to communicate all valid decisions from
   Debian to the SPI board

 - the Debian advisor to SPI should offer useful support and advice to
   the board to help the organisation be as successful as possible

The first is a privilege, the second is a responsibility, the third is a
bit of both. (I don't think "authoritative decisionmaker" is an accurate
description of any of those roles)


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