On Wed, Feb 28, 2007 at 06:14:53PM +0000, Ian Jackson wrote:
> 1. Debian is asubstantial and significant Free Software project;

I'm sure everyone and their dog has already pointed out the typo over there...

> 6. The SPI Board does not intend to monitor the Debian mailing lists.
>    The Board will recognise decisions, statements and delegations made
>    by the Debian Project Leader, currently Anthony Towns, as made on
>    behalf of Debian.
> 7. The Board specifically asks that the Debian Project Secretary
>    inform the SPI Board of any Debian General Resolutions which might
>    be relevant to SPI, including any proposals to put spending
>    decisions on hold.

It seems inconsistent to mention the leader by name but not the secretary. :)
I'd omit both names.

     2. That which causes joy or happiness.
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