Theodore Tso writes ("Re: Draft resolution formalising Debian's Associated 
Project status"):
> The general way you deal with this is you have a separation of
> responsibilities.  So you have one person from the team which is
> designated as the official represenative, and another person who can
> formally and legally notify SPI that the representative has been
> replaced.  So for example in Debian, this might be the DPL for one,
> and the Project Secretary for the other.

This would be one way of doing it but it doesn't seem necessary to go
to that level of formality.  SPI is a lot closer to Debian than a bank
is to its customers, and we have plenty of Debian Developers here to
make sure we find out if anything goes wrong.

> The bottom line is that we need to optimize for the common case, where
> you assume that the project representative is acting in good faith.
> If we have a project which is so dysfunctional such that this is not
> the common case, both the project and SPI has a much bigger set of
> problems on its hands...

Indeed so.  This is why my proposal deals with the common case by
having the DPL tell us what the situation is, just as at present.

I didn't want to make this personal, but let me be blunt:

Anthony Towns writes:
> And, uh, the "authoritative decisionmaker" for Debian is the duly elected
> leader of the Debian project.

Anthony overreaches himself here.  The authoritative decisionmaker for
Debian - the governing body - is the Developers via General
Resolution.  Anthony as DPL is the executive - the decisionmaker of
first instance.

IMO this is not the first time he has overstepped the mark; on another
memorable recent occasion, after an enormously acrimonious debate, 15%
of Debian's governing body thought he had offended badly enough that
he should be sacked over it[1], as many as endorsed his actual

I therefore have no confidence that Anthony will know the bounds of
his own authority and I am not prepared to acquiesce to a statement
that relies on Anthony's judgement on these matters.

In particular, Anthony seems to be playing the role of Debian's SPI
advisor here - and what he is telling us inflates his own authority!


  Of 330 DD's who cast ballots, 48 preferred Recall to the only
  other option, Further Discussion.

  Of 333 DD's who cast ballots, 49 preferred `wish success to Dunc
  Tank' to `do not endorse or support his other projects'.
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