Actually, if I'm not mistaken.  This can already be done without SA.  But
you would need Sieve ( ) to do this by
setting rules for each sets of hits.  It supports greater than, less than,
and equal to expressions.  Bad news is on per-user settings, user's would
have to decrease/increase the variables based on their threshold.  Else
you'd have to write some sort of scripts to do this for them.  Good news
is usr's could deside whether or not they want to do this or not.

Personally, I don't believe in deleting any emails without a user's
review.  Thier's always that chance of a FP that could get deleted and not
getting reported (gasp).  Probably better to have a rediculas high hit
number just go to trash instead. That way they get a chance to review the
email before it's deleted if they wish to.  But thats abviously up to you.

I dump spam into our user's Junk-Mail folder, which is then scanned once a
week to update bayes and deleted.


Andrew Cranson said:
> Would it be possible for an additional mysql preferance for a threshold to
> be added to an upcoming spamassassin release for mail deletion? e.g. A
> user sets required_hits to 5, and sets deletion_hits to 10, any mail
> between 5 and 10 is tagged, anything above 10 is deleted.
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See the breadth of Eclipse activity. February 3-5 in Anaheim, CA.
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