
    Habeas is around to make sure email reaches its destination.  SA uses
Habeas to push the score down, much like whitelisting.  IF spammers use the
Habeas headers, and the message is in fact spam, they will be sued.  Habeas
is used, much like white lists.  They serve just about the same purpose.

    Not everyone uses the same default SA rules.  I've sent out message that
my local SA flags as spam, when they are not.  If I use the Habeas headers,
the message would not come close to being marked as spam, and being a false
positive. (Note: I do not currently use the habeas mark.. but will in the

    It is not in the spammers financial future to use the habeas mark..


----- Original Message -----
From: "Gerry Doris" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
To: "Morris Jones" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Cc: "Spamassassin talk list" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Tuesday, January 13, 2004 11:26 AM
Subject: Re: [SAtalk] Scoring the Habeas header ...

> We're all seeing false negatives slip through from a spammer using the
> Habeaus header, but I don't think 0 is the right score for the test.
> I think it's still a valid negative score.
> Looking at my latest, if I give Habeas a -3.0, the false negative turns
> positive.  So I'm going to try that.
> Meanwhile, I've licensed the Habeas SWE mark myself, and it should be
> included in this message.
> Now if only my colo provider wasn't listed in level 2 of SPEWS ...
> <sigh>
> Mojo

I'm still completely puzzled why anyone who isn't a spammer would be
interested in Habeas.  Your message without the habeas scoring came in at
-4.83.  If I had habeas scoring turned on it would have been -12.83.

Unless you're intending to offset positive scores from spam why bother
with habeas?


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