At Fri Nov 21 23:34:35 2003, Jeremy Dold wrote:
> Does someone want to respond to this guy and point out the obvious? 

It's a bit embarrassing for the journalist that he was happy to
contact technical support for at least one of the products, but not
the support for SA (i.e. this list).  Naturally you can't expect the
same level of support for open-source software (in the sense that you
can't *demand* support, or be surprised if the help isn't as good as
if you were paying for it), but he would at least have been told that
using a package 10 months old and a couple of major revisions (2.4x ->
2.5x -> 2.6x) out of date was not a good idea.

Martin Radford              |   "Only wimps use tape backup: _real_ 
[EMAIL PROTECTED] | men just upload their important stuff  -o)
Registered Linux user #9257 |  on ftp and let the rest of the world  /\\
- see |       mirror it ;)"  - Linus Torvalds _\_V

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